Jason Phillips LIVE  | March 11-13 at 7pm EST

Jason Phillips LIVE  | March 11-13 at 7pm EST





Would You Like Me To Personally Help You Double or Even Triple Your Business … for Free?
Would You Like Me To Personally Help You Double or Even Triple Your Business … for Free?


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Which best describes your current business model?
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Join us LIVE every day, ask questions, and tell your friends about the challenge — and you’ll be eligible to win a full-ride NCI Scholarship!


When I first started helping others grow their businesses, systems were different...

At that time, we spent more of our money paying coaches and less paying VAs, admins, and any other "staff" necessary.

I even made the massive mistake of paying on percentage (and advising that my clients pay on percentage for a while)...

Today - it has changed.

Coaches seem to want to "get out of coaching" as soon they make anywhere near $10k...

While this isn't "wrong", it does necessitate a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the company - especially from a financial perspective.

 "Outsourcing" everything is 
not great advice...

In fact, it's often pretty poor advice in the world we currently live in.

We need to begin rethinking the idea of "outsourcing" and we need to insert "understanding"...

Systems can often delay the need to outsource.

They can also preserve profitability.

But they can't be built without a clear understanding of what is actually happening inside the business...

 "Outsourcing" everything is not great advice...

In fact, it's often pretty poor advice in the world we currently live in.

We need to begin rethinking the idea of "outsourcing" and we need to insert "understanding"...

Systems can often delay the need to outsource.

They can also preserve profitability.

But they can't be built without a clear understanding of what is actually happening inside the business...

"How do clients happen?"

When we can clearly answer this question - with REPEATABILITY and PREDICTABILITY - then we have something sustainable that should absolutely be PROFITABLE

Until then - we are playing transactional guessing games that will ultimately produce a wild roller coaster ride.....the highs are fun, but the lows get scary...

Doesn't sound like a "business" that I'd want to be a part of...

I've made every mistake under the sun - but thats why I continue to build models so that you don't have to.

SIMPLE and PROFITABLE are the new "big"
So the question is… How do I get more of them? And less of the former? 

It all comes down to…


That changes with The Future Of Online Nutrition Coaching Workshop - I’ll teach you exactly what to do to stay PROFITABLE.

Start thinking big picture + acting strategically.




Everything changes with The Future Of Online Nutrition Coaching Workshop - where I’ll teach you exactly what to do to become and stay PROFITABLE.

Start thinking big picture + acting strategically.


Meet Your Host & Trainer:

Meet Your Host & Trainer:

Jason Phillips

FOunder And CEo OF NCI

Jason Phillips has been active in the fitness industry for decades. From a former cover model and professional athlete to a sought-after fitness and nutrition coach, Jason is currently the CEO and founder of Nutritional Coaching Institute.

Jason has taken the principles which cemented NCI as an "industry standard" and shared it with thousands of NCI certified coaches - who are now running their own thriving coaching businesses.


Here's What You'll Learn On Each Day

DAY 1  


Day one is all about setting the stage for your business growth. You'll be guided to create your MIND Map, chart your growth trajectory, and dissect your business funnel structure. 
Prepare to be invigorated as we break down the barriers to your business expansion and set the propulsion for an accelerated growth journey.

DAY 2 




Together, we’ll compose precise strategies that will supercharge your business momentum. By the end of the day, you'll have a custom-made map guiding your business to new frontiers.
The final day is about finalizing your individual 90-day action steps, a concrete plan to turn your vision into reality. In three days, we don't just build a plan; we build a future.

DAY 1  


Day one is all about setting the stage for your business growth. You'll be guided to create your MIND Map, chart your growth trajectory, and dissect your business funnel structure. Prepare to be invigorated as we break down the barriers to your business expansion and set the propulsion for an accelerated growth journey.



Together, we’ll compose precise strategies that will supercharge your business momentum. By the end of the day, you'll have a custom-made map guiding your business to new frontiers.



The final day is about finalizing your individual 90-day action steps, a concrete plan to turn your vision into reality. In three days, we don't just build a plan; we build a future.

DAY 1:

Decoding 2023 Sophisticated Buyers & The Five Stages Of NEPQ

Consumers nowadays are more skeptical than ever, and their buying decision process is not the same as it was ten years ago - in fact, there's a stark difference between today and pre-2020.
On Day 1 of the "Fix Your Script Challenge," you'll learn how to decode the modern buyer who has seen and heard it all before.

You will discover:
  • The psychology of buyers in 2023
  • How to ace the first 10-15 seconds of your call without resorting to small talk about the weather or "who won the game last night." This way, you can avoid being labeled as just another salesperson, remove any sales pressure and establish yourself as a trusted advisor and a friend.
  • ​How to stop feeling like a show pony riddled with anxiety, who feels the need to dominate the conversation. You'll learn the exact questions to ask to shift the focus from yourself to your prospect, so they can start to persuade themselves on taking action NOW.

DAY 2:

Engagement Stage & How To Prevent 70% Of Objections Upfront

“Just so you know, I am not buying today.”
“I know you just want to make a commission off me.”
“Cool, but I don’t make snap decisions like that. Check with me when Mars is in retrograde.”

Are you familiar with any of those objections? Do they make you doubt yourself? And leave you finishing every call feeling more frustrated and defeated than the last?

Check this out: 99% of sales frameworks approach sales like this:
  • 10% building trust
  • 10% identifying needs
  • 50% sales presentations
  • ​30% asking for the sale
Eighty percent of the call is focused on the product and on the sales rep’s needs, primarily closing the sale, with an embarrassing 20% focused on the prospect.

On day #2, you will learn a counterintuitive approach that will revolutionize your sales experience forever.

In NEPQ, we devote 85% of the conversation to focusing on what your prospects care most about: themselves. This approach allows you to build sufficient trust and gather information, enabling your prospects to seemingly persuade themselves at the end of the call — (...and remove 70% of objections upfront).

You will discover:
  • How to go beyond questions like “What challenges are you facing today?” and how to get prospects to open up the emotional backdoor to the real problems affecting their personal lives right now.
  • The exact neuro-emotional questions to ask to create a true sense of urgency without having to rely on fake scarcity or discounts.
  • How to get prospects to question their current way of thinking and explore the consequences of remaining stuck.

DAY 3:

How To Close Like A 7-Figure Sales Legend

Have you ever had a call with a prospect who was a perfect fit, had the desire, and was financially qualified… but when it comes time to move forward.

They shut down or bombard you with objections like:
  • "Gotta think about it."
  • "Call me in 3 months."
  • ​"Need to run this by my spouse."
Day #3 will show you how to fix this.

You will unlock the presentation secrets of high 6 & 7-figure sales reps — which provide your prospects with the perfect balance of details and position your offer/service/products as the ideal solution for their most pressing issues (information they shared with you during the connection stage).

Not only that, we will also show you how to ask for the sale without coming across as pushy, needy, or having to use cheesy closing lines like…

“Mr. Prospect, how are you paying today – credit or debit?”

Here’s what you will discover:
  • The ONE question 7-figure sales reps routinely use to close deals ranging from $5k to $100k and even $1m+. 
  • How to fine-tune your presentation so you don't trigger analysis paralysis in your prospects (which delays the sale and makes closing 100x harder).
  • The one question 99% of sales gurus teach that unintentionally primes your prospects to reject you.
  • ​Exactly what to keep and leave out of your presentations, so you can spend only 10% of your call presenting and 5% of the call in the commitment stage.

DAY 4:

The Non-combative Objection Handling Techniques Of Top 1% Sales Reps 

Does your anxiety build up like a steam cooker the closer you get to the end of the call?

It doesn't have to be that way.

NEPQ prevents objections by up to 70% upfront.

Not only that, but on day 4, you will access the Velvet Slap — this is an effective objection-handling technique that allows you to lead your prospects to a commitment without becoming combative or using high-pressure techniques.

This not only will help you close more deals, but it will also nearly eliminate buyer's remorse (which prevents refunds or cancellations and helps you get referrals).

Here is what you will learn:
  • How to handle "money", "spouse", or "think about it" objections.
  • How to align your prospects' perspective with what they said "they want" without coming across as a jerk.
  • The ONE question you can ask your prospect to dispel smoke screens and excuses.

DAY 5-7:

7-figure Tonality Secrets 

Does your anxiety build up like a steam cooker the closer you get to the end of the call?

It doesn't have to be that way.

NEPQ prevents objections by up to 70% upfront.

Not only that, but on day 4, you will access the Velvet Slap — this is an effective objection-handling technique that allows you to lead your prospects to a commitment without becoming combative or using high-pressure techniques.

This not only will help you close more deals, but it will also nearly eliminate buyer's remorse (which prevents refunds or cancellations and helps you get referrals).

Here is what you will learn:
  • The NEPQ vocal ranges and how to use them at different stages of your call.
  • How to purposely add "hmms" and "huhs" to your script so that you don't sound like just another sales guy.
  • LIVE role-play session with Jeremy Miner & an 8-figure closer showing you which tonality to use.

Don't Wait Any Longer!

Average people "wait until after the holidays" to take action...
You're not average.
Average people "wait until after the holidays" to take action... You're not average.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Sorry, but this event is not for everyone 

Here are the boxes you need to tick to join us:
  • You're already a business owner (aspiring entrepreneurs, we'll catch you next time!)
  • ​You NEED to be present! Not just physically but mentally prepared to absorb
  • ​You're eager to multiply your growth, better yesterday than today
  • ​Old models bore you, and you're always looking for fresh strategies
  • Not just ready, but stoked about taking your business to the next level.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the WEBSITE(S) or in the program regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavour, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through NCI should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that we at NCI (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.

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